Cavia porcellus


Order Rodentia


10 in long, about 2 lbs. Variable color and hair length.


Central and South America - First named Guiana Pigs when the
Dutch obtained them from Dutch Guiana (now Surinam) off the
coast of South America. The name evolved into Guinea Pig.

Photo © James P. Rowan Photography



rocky ledges and scrub area of semi-arid country.

herbivorous: prefers grain, grass, fruit and vegetables. Preyed upon by small mammalian carnivores and birds of prey. Diurnal and terrestrial, but requires a warm burrow in cold weather. Alarm call is a high-pitched squeal.

Life History

Mating and births occur during the warmer months. Gestation is 1- 2.5 months; avgerage of 3 young are born. Babies can forage for themselves after 3 days, but are nursed by the mother for 3 weeks. Life span is 6-8 years. These are gregarious animals, found in small colonies.

Special Adaptations

  • Short legs with long claws for digging burrows.
  • Compact body fits into small rock crevices where predators cannot reach.
  • Large ears and acute hearing detect predators.
  • Continuously growing, chisel-like incisor (front) teeth for gnawing hard food items.